Contact us

If you are looking for telephone numbers and address go to Airport details.

Connect with us

Do you have a question about traveling to Djerba Airport? Are your relatives traveling there? Or maybe you found an error on our pages. We would love to hear from you! Here are multiple ways to reach us:

  • Like our Facebook page, place a comment on our wall or send us a private message,
  • Send us a direct email: info(at)

Booking inquiries

Are you looking for a hotel, package holiday or a cheap ticket to Djerba? We might help you. Let us know what you are looking for and we will reply to you with the latest deals we know about..

Share your thoughts / Share your photos

Have you recently visited Djerba Airport? Let us know! We would love to hear about you what you liked or disliked. Also, did you took some great photos of the airport, surroundings or airplanes? Send your photos and we will publish them in our Photos section. Make sure you enclose your name so we can copyright them.


Do you have a service our visitors would love to know about? Advertise it on our website. Our visitors come from France, Germany, UK, Italy and other European countries and they are traveling to Djerba, Tunisia.